ℵ₀ DashCam Program

Purpose: A city wide collaboration of data

ℵ₀ The DashCam Project began in Chicago, IL on 12/20/2020. The program aims to generate and mantain real time dashcam footage of most if not all highly trafficked public streets. The footage is analyzed and anonymized from streams generated by licensed drivers in a municipal area (starting in Chicago) and paid for by anyone who wants to access it for something. This may include government organizations and private companies, or individuals. If you own or operate a rideshare network or a vehicle, we invite you to join our co-operative.

Get paid!

Machine Learning and Passive Income:

The data is analzyed in real time by Aleph₀ ℵ₀ to provide actionable data and insights to civillians and organizations around the country. Accessors pay to access the data, the proceeds are distributed as follows:

60% of generated income goes to the driver.


20% of income goes to the vehnicle network owner.


10% of the proceeds return back to Aleph₀ ℵ₀


Make money with your vehicle - 3 Simple Steps

I want to use this data:

Connect with us! We want to get your apps and services running as quickly as possible with our network co-op. We'll provide you with everything you need.

I own a fleet/group of vehicles:

If you've reached out to us, we'll send you a FREE dashboard cam per vehicle. Have your drivers keep our app on their phones. Our app runs in the background, consuming very little energy.

I drive my own car:

Simply register on our network through SMS, and turn on your dashcam while you're driving. We'll send the money to your account!

The example in the background is an SMS workflow generated through our ©Textly SMS network. Customers will pay for services like this, and point you make money if they use your data.

Sign up for the alpha

We're working hard to finish building everything. Please give us your email to be notified when we launch! Fleet owners/individual drivers, reach out to get set up.

Join the network!