
Our service uses an API we created. Learn how to use our api here. Here's an API key you can use: PZD5n91AepGINMw2a . To use the key, just add token={APIKEY} to your params. All of our information sent in JSON format.


In order for a client to use our system, it must be able to send all 4 REST requests (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE), as well as store sessions. Unless otherwise indicated, all paths are prefixed by http(s)://

Signing up

To sign up, simply give a POST request to /signup, with email, password, and username as params.

POST /signup?username={username}&password={password}&email={email}

Signing in

To sign in, simply give a POST request to /signin, with email and password as params.

POST /signin?password={password}&email={email}

Signing out

To sign out, simply give a DELETE request to /signout

DELETE /signout

Storing item

To store an item for your user account, simply send a POST request to /items as follows:

POST /items?name={name}&desc={description}&lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}

Changing item info

To change an item's information, whether it be its location, name, or description, simply send a PUT request to /items/{your item id} as follows:

PUT /items/{id}?name={name}&desc={description}&lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}

Listing items

To list all of your items, with location, name, and description information, simply send a GET request to /items

GET /items

Removing items

To remove an item from our datastore, simply issue a delete request to /items/{your item id}

DELETE /items/{id}