ℵ₀ Lighthouse Project

Cheaply track everything, without even thinking about it

ℵ₀ Aleph₀ is a technology that automatically tracks everything you want to keep track of. Just have your phone on and our stickers on your items, and we'll take care of the rest.

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Solving an age-old problem

People have lost items since the beginning of human history. Here are some stats on how bad that is:

40% of couples argue over lost items


75% of lost items are lost in everyday places - at home, in the workplace, or in the car


Even at the state-of-the-art lost and found areas return 60% of lost items


Source: DailyMail

Source: ABC News

Track Everything - 3 Simple Steps

Get our battery pack

Our battery pack looks like a regular battery pack, but it's really a tracking system that can tell precisely where your items are. Just plug into your phone, and go!

Download our app

Our app runs in the background, consuming very little energy, to track all you items within a 15 foot radius, and uploads this securely to our databases. When you're away from your items, you can just look at our app to see exactly where they are - down to the exact couch in your house!

Put our tracking stickers on your items

Our tracking stickers are very cheap, and very accurate. Simply register them with our app, and you can have the comfort of knowing exactly where your things are, wherever you are.

That's all there is. Your items are fine. If you lose anything, our app will show you exactly where it is, and when you get there, it will point you even more precisely to its location.

Sign up for the beta

We're working hard to finish building everything. Please give us your email to be notified when we launch!

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